Internship Redefined: Why it was needed and how we did it?



Many a times, the term internship is ill-defined to both the company and the candidate. Company perceives an intern as a trainee who works without or on less pay, in order to gain some extremely confined work experience. On the other hand, candidate takes an internship to be an opportunity where he is completely free to commit as many mistakes while gaining a bound working knowledge, which may or may not be utilized in real job situations in future. Exceptions are always there!

Sprinted Scuba is a ‘research & implementation’ program designed to achieve ‘width & depth’ on data science. We want to understand how humans & machines interact & decide, homogeneously & heterogeneously.

The duration of this program ranges from 6 weeks to 26 weeks and managed under Busigence Research: the ‘Research’ wing of the organization, and aims to augment our research team by working on a thesis or problems on data science & related fields. Undergrads, Graduates, and Experienced candidates apply to the program followed by a rigorous three rounds of selection process.

Sprinted Scuba covers research (& development) in many areas of Data science & related fields, which broadly includes Statistical Inference, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Advanced Analytics, Big Data, AI, and Domain.

Busigence builds decision intelligence products using Data Science, Artificial Intelligence & Design Thinking concepts.

These data products help in augmenting human decision abilities by integrating data driven approach to various business processes.

Keeping the horizon of data products in view, Sprinted Scuba needed strong mentors who could drive the program well. So we named them, ‘The Drivers’. Drivers design the roadmap to solve variety of problems divided in multiple modules, we call as Sprints. For ‘The Drivers’, we look for following attributes:

  • Leadership
  • Creativity
  • Ambition
  • Vision
  • Decisive

The designed sprints are developed by enthusiasts searching hidden secrets of science while going extremely deep (& wide), so we named them, ‘The Divers’. For ‘The Divers’, we look for following attributes:

  • Intellect
  • Ownership
  • Adaptability
  • Innovative
  • Curiosity

Each sprint is a two weeks effort that includes research, implementation and evaluation.

Why Sprinted Scuba.

Research must be the backbone for product development, especially when you are creating something revolutionary that has the ability to create a dent in the universe.

Sprinted Scuba is a one of its kind program to provide a lifetime opportunity to candidates with research mindsets who want to contribute significantly towards innovation resulting in great products, not only for significant business benefits but also transformational societal change.

Does the above interest you? Explore what it takes to become part of Sprinted Scuba. Watch this short video here

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